Open Days for Nursery. Tour 2-3pm. Fri 10 Jan. Free gift to all!

Getting your child ready

Getting ready for Nursery

The following would really help your child settle into Nursery

Social skills

Are they able to do the following?

Dress and undress themselves (coats and velcro shoes)

Use the toilet by themselves
Use a cup to drink from and be independent to eat a snack, e.g. a whole apple with the skin on  Sit down and listening to a story (training concentration)
Have a regular and early bedtime routine

Communication skills

Please make sure that you talk to your child every day about the world around them.

Use your native language if English is not your home language. By talking and listening to your child, you are already giving them some of the best help there is to begin their education journey.

All children will need to develop strong oral skills - speaking, listening, and asking questions to get the very best out of learning. It is also important that you talk to your child about their day at the Nursery and encourage them to talk to us about their needs as well through the day.

Developing their oral skills now will also help to give them the confidence to make the big change from being at home all the time with the family to going to Nursery school.

Top Tips

Listen to your child with interest  
Answer your child with care  
Consider his or her opinions
Make time to enjoy talking together

Other skills you can help your child develop

Encourage them to tidy up their toys and do some simple household chores. By giving them responsibilities you will help your child to become more independent

Help them to recognise their name in writing and to consistently respond to it verbally

Encourage them to clean well after using the toilet and to wash their hands thoroughly

Take them to the library so that they have the experience of choosing their own books

Have a bed time routine, e.g. bath and reading before they go to bed. Read Aloud is one of  our reading initiatives, where we encourage every parent to read for 15 minutes to their child every day

If you put them to bed early they will be able to get up early and be in a positive mood for Nursery school. If they go to bed late, they may be too tired to learn properly

Nurture curiosity in your child through showing them how to ask questions and how to be interested in everyday and unusual topics

Limit screen time for your child after 6pm so that they are calm and ready for bed

Involve them in the daily tasks around the home: “Can you set the table so we all have a  plate each?”, “Tomorrow is Tuesday so can you bring your bin downstairs for the rubbish?”, “Before 6pm put all the books away”

Do turn-taking activities, such as playing with a toy - this helps them to get used to taking turns and also to understand the concept of sharing

Lots of the learning in Nursery happens through play. Get down onto the carpet so you are at their level and enjoy some play with your child. Follow their lead with what they are doing or how they are playing. Then, try to get them to follow your lead and also create games together. This will help them to get used to playing and engaging with other children.