Open Days for Nursery. Tour 2-3pm. Fri 10 Jan. Free gift to all!

Fruit snacks and lunch

Children are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable every morning as part of the National Fruit 

Scheme, to support healthy eating. Since the Covid19 pandemic, we require the children to bring their own named water bottle as there is no access to drinking fountains at the moment. 

If your child is staying with us full time, please ensure they bring in a packed lunch. Please note that  fizzy drinks and sweets/chocolates are not allowed to be brought in children’s lunch boxes.

Robin Hall Nursery and Woodpecker Hall Academy are NUT FREE at all times. Please do not include any items in lunch boxes that contain nuts, such as ‘Nutella’, peanut butter sandwiches or other nut items.

Children are encouraged to eat as much as they can. If your child experiences problems at lunchtime, we will let you know